How to take merpass sight-
we will solve this question as an oral question-
First, we need to find out the approximate merpass time in SMT by using Almanac.
Once we Have the SMT timings we will be ready at the observation position 10 minutes before and keep observing it with the sextant.
There will be a situation in which initially sun will keep increasing its altitude and once it reaches its highest altitude for that day sun's altitude will start decreasing slowly.
We need the exact highest altitude of that time when it starts coming down.
Note down the timings of that time and latitude and Longitude.
Use all above data to solve the merpass case as given in practical navigation.
NOTE- For more accuracy use stopwatch. It will give the exact time of the sight.
How to use a stopwatch?
First synchronized the clock with the known ship's time.
The exact time we get the merpass altitude stop it and calculate the time.