Enhanced survey program is a guideline for shipping companies and owners to prepare their ship for special surveys to maintain the safety of the ship while at sea or at the port. A survey program is to be prepared by the owner and is to be submitted to the recognized authorities like classification societies, 6 months prior to the survey.
A new chapter XI is added for special measures to enhance maritime safety under this resolution. According to these guidelines, it has 2 Annexes:
Annex A: Guidelines on enhance survey program of inspection during a survey of bulk carrier.
Annex B: Guidelines on enhance survey program of inspection during a survey of oil tankers.
Each annex A & B has 9 chapters which are almost similar. The only dissimilarities being operational and constructional aspects of both types of vessels i.e. oil tankers and bulk carriers.
The chapters can be briefly described as:
Chapter 1: General application, documentation onboard to be completed prior to the inspection which is to be served as the basis for surveys.
Chapter 2: Describes how Enhanced surveys to be carried out during the periodical surveys along with timings and conduct of enhance surveys and requirements of dry-docking.
Chapter 3: Describes enhanced inspection carried out during annual surveys which include cargo holds and tank pressure testing.
Chapter 4: Deals with intermediate surveys in addition to the annual survey requirements.
Chapter 5: Discuss the needed preparation for surveys, condition, and equipment for surveys, access to the surveyed structure and conduct of survey at sea or at anchor
Chapter 6: Immediate and thorough repairs to damages and wastages.
Chapter 7: Discuss the requirement of onboard documents supplied and maintained by the owner that must be available to the surveyor and requirements for survey report file, supporting documents, review of document by surveyor.
Chapter 8: Discuss the process of reporting and evaluation of survey, acceptability and continued structural integrity, a condition evaluation report of the survey, and results to be issued to the owner.
Chapter 9: Reporting and evaluation of surveys, acceptable and continued structural integrity; a condition evaluation report of the survey, and results to be issued to the owner.