The following test must be done before departure onboard ship-
1. Controls are to be tested for about 1 or 2 hrs before sailing. If they are tested Close to the sailing time then, there might be very little time afterwords to resolve the issue if any detected and if they are done very early then there might be a possibility that issues or issues may arise in the future of during departure. To resolve these errors follow the following –
1) Confirm timing with master
2) Inform those timings to Engine Room
2. First thing first Syncrinised bridge and engine room clocks. And while doing this we automatically test the communication system with the engine room.
3. Test engine room and bridge telegraph during this also check auto recorder is functioning satisfactorily.
4. Once Engineer of watch is at steering gear flat -
1)Check the communication Between the bridge and steering flat.
2) Check Bridge heading and Steering flat gyro repeater headings are matching.
3) Then using 2 steering motors, one at a time, test the rudder angle indicator on the bridge by turning the wheel at different positions and confirm the angle indicated on the bridge and actually at steering flat with EOW.